Most commonly I see women in the gym doing about 20 minutes on

SO, after you are warmed up through whichever cardio method you choose (approx 10 minutes) jump off the machine and grab your weights. Do 3 different exercises per 1 body part (about 15 reps each) then quickly move into 2 minutes of jumping rope. Without rest then do 3 different exercises per another body part, then jog for 2 minutes. Then 3 different exercises per another body part and then 2 minutes of jumping jacks?
3 different exercises (x 15 reps) for 1 body part ------>>> 2 minutes of hard cario. Repeat cycle by changing the body part each time.
The cardio exercises are a short burst and can be anything like jump rope, jumping jacks, sprint, bike, jogging in place, running up and down the stairs.... use your imagination. This is the method we use in boot camp and it has proven to show some amazing results. Your heart will be pounding and you will be sweating up a storm. BUT most importantly you wont be bored!
To find out how women are loosing weight by implementing the weights and cardio combo visit my site at .