Oct 30, 2008

New WOMEN'S Running Program


YES, you have a gym membership, SURE you've got 5 workout DVD's in your apartment, and I KNOW you "know what to do."
So let me ask you one question, how's that working out for you? No really. How many more Monday mornings are you going to wake up and say "TODAY I am going to do SOMETHING about my body."
What are you waiting for?? Check out my NEW fun Women's Weight Loss program EZ8 Running Camp. http://www.ez8runningcamp.com/

EZ8 Running Camp is like boot camp, weight loss, running training, personal training, and motivational training and FUN all rolled into one.

Enrollment is ongoing! Dont miss it >>>>>>

Oct 28, 2008

Watch this Video if you are a sucker!

I know that you guys are all ultra savvy consumers, right? I want to address the ridiculous commercial about High Fructose Corn Syrup(HFCS). Have you seen it? The mom pouring her kid a cup of juice is accused by another mom of not caring about her kids b/c of her drink choice. The juice mom then rebuts her comment by saying so what, it's made from corn, has the same calories as sugar, and is OK in moderation.

Watch the actual commercial here ONLY if you want to be made a fool of, because that is what this corporate propaganda and their affiliates think of you.

GUYS, DON'T fall for it!!!! HFCS is the root of all evil, truly. Many of the top nutritionists out there feel that in 10 years it will treated as the new "trans fat." (banned in restaurants, universally known as a silent killer etc.)

You must realize first that this commercial touting how wonderful HFCS is , is put out BY CORN FARMERS themselves; the very people that make money off of HFCS! This is the same as the dairy farmers putting out commercials that say "everyone must drink 3 glasses of milk a day." Uh hello, do they think we are stupid? They are just trying to sell their product and will tug at any strings they can find: your "be a better mom" card; your health card; your vanity card(this is most commonly used); your happiness card etc etc etc.

They tell you that it is fine in moderation. The main problem here is that there is a moderate amount in EVERYTHING! For example, you start your day with cereal - BAM there it is. Now on to a granola bar for a snack - POW, HFCS in your face. Next you grab an innocent turkey sandwich (w/ white or whole wheat) for lunch -SMACK, again with HFCS. Suck down a Gatorade in the gym later that night - THAT'S A WRAP! It's over, you just consumed (cleverly disguised) highly processed, chemically altered SUGAR all day long.

If you still wonder why you can't lose weight while you think you are actually eating healthy....then get your noses into those nutrition labels and start reading up! This will help you make smarter choices all around. Go deeper than the numbers on the label, you actually have to look at the ingredients section.

If you see "HFCS", "enriched or bleached or modified wheat flower", or chemicals that you cant pronounce then you are dealing with a product that although may have the same calories/fat/carbs as another, is actually WORSE for you and will cause you to pack on extra pounds.

Look at me, I am all fired up! And you should be too!