Nov 3, 2008

Is it all About WILL POWER? (you might be shocked by my answer!)

If you have been working out for a while, I want you to stop and ask yourselves "Am I where I want to be by now?"

If you started out a few weeks ago with all of these amazing lofty goals and aspirations and are on your way to achieving them... AWESOME. However, if you have stumbled a bit, I don't want you to worry. Living a healthy lifestyle (NOT short term weight loss) will ALWAYS be marked with ups and downs.

Forget what you have always heard ,read or probably thought; a healthy lifestyle has NOTHING to do with WILL POWER. WHAT? Yes, you heard me. Digging down deep for that super human strength to "be good" all the time subsequently leads to the inability or unwillingness to sustain this. In your eyes you "failed," self esteem drops, and willingness to try again decreases.

Instead of being obsessed with "will power" focus on setting up your environment to make you successful...with the least amount of effort. I don't care how together or how desperate we are to make changes-- old habits die hard. Once we become stressed,tired or emotionally drained we will always look to the external, crappy food or glass(es) of wine as a pick me up.

How to set up your environment so that you can be lazy AND succeed: If carbs are your trigger- don't even buy the crackers/muffins/pasta at the store (YES even if you have kids, they don't need the high fructose corn syrup either). If you are always looking for a sweet snack at 3pm when you are stressed - keep a stock of yogurt and fruit in your fridge at work. If you wind up eating a hefty dinner at 8pm when you get home from work - be sure to pack dinner the night before to bring to work.

I can tell you personally that I USED TO run on will power alone. I forever had blinders on; NOTHING could deter me from my goals of staying in shape and eating 100% clean (no salt, sugar, saturated fat.) This gets old quick. Eating badly tastes better, skipping workouts to sleep makes me less tired, buying lunch every day takes so much less effort etc etc etc.

The long and short of it is that I now know what my triggers are and I basically use them to my advantage. Because I am in touch with my weaknesses I work my life around ways to avoid them.

THIS is why I put so much emphasis on you guys writing down your goals all of the time; FIND YOUR TRIGGERS.

There are only so many times that you can make the same mistakes without actually taking steps to change them.

(Imagine we lived in the suburbs for a sec.) If your spouse became enraged because they backed into the garbage can in the driveway EVERY DAY on the way to work -- what would you tell them? "MOVE THE GARBAGE CAN already!" How many times is it going to take for you to ACT FIRST to avoid the inevitable???Is this sinking in ladies?

ID your problems, triggers or weaknesses. They probably pop up every day. Simply stating that "I will NEVER _________ AGAIN" hasn't worked yet; you are quite frankly kidding yourself.

Call me 646.454.0777, we can work it out together.