Oct 1, 2007


As women I think we have something in us that believes we should never give up on something. We are supposed to be the peacekeepers, the tone setters, we are to always "have it under control."

If a friend or co-worker is not that nice to us, we chalk it up to them having a bad day. If a relationship is not working out, we stay in it hoping that things will change for the better. If you are not loosing weight from your current program you persevere, and try to work a bit harder.

Why do we have such a hard time letting go of something that is obviously not working? All of the above mentioned situations share a common thread. The facts seem to be staring us in the face that the current situation is not the most optimal, but we stick with it anyway. So what do you do? ****At what point do we decide to GIVE IT UP or SWITCH IT UP??****

In these difficult situations, start by asking yourself what is the underlying reason that you put up with them: Is it out of a fear of rejection, an ego driven mind, fear of putting your needs first, or is it a fear of failure if trying something new?

Next ask yourself if you are receiving exactly what you want and need from this friend, lover or exercise routine? All relationships both with people and with your life situation are a two way street. I want you to take a deep look at these "relationships" before they start to go wrong. Are you really getting what YOU need?

Although I cannot answer your individual relationship issues, I can only guide you towards thinking about finding the underlying truth. This truth is usually not what you "THINK" but it is what you feel. This feeling is in your gut. It is the little voice that dictates what your heart (not your brain) knows. If you "FEEL" that things are not where you would like them to be then it is probably time to ****GIVE IT UP****. After some time, a bit of introspection and a deep breath you will be able to erase that persons number from your phone, delete the text messages and pictures that you have been saving and... move on.

The same process applies if you have been working out for a short while or an extended period of time and you are not seeing results. This time you must SWITCH IT UP ASAP (don't "give it up", please). The body is very simple machine. Put something in, get something out. If you are not loosing weight or seeing that muscle tone in your arms or abs then it is time to change a few variables so that you will see results. If you usually only do cardio in the gym, get outside and go for a run. If you only take spin class, add in some weight training. If you find it hard to get to the gym after work, switch to the am for guaranteed consistency.

Remember, any process of change in your life doesn't start with an action. Change starts with a well thought out examination of your underlying motivations and genuine gut feelings about the situation. Good luck, it takes a lot of work, but it will help you arrive at a the most appropriate decision.

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