Oct 26, 2007

How not to Gain the 10lbs Between Thanksgiving and X-Mass/Hanukkah

We all know about this time of year. First Comes Halloween then before you know it you are sucked into the time warp that is the FATTEST TIME OF THE YEAR (Thanksgiving to X-Mas/Hanukkah).

Holiday parties, family gatherings, food gifts like chocolate cookies and cakes all have a way of making us pack on those pounds. WHAT IS THE SOLUTION?
Goodies in the office: when you receive a gift in the form of food, say thank you and as soon as that person has turned their back GIVE IT AWAY. Out of site out of mind. A recent study showed that a person ate 60% less chocolates if the box was placed 7 feet away from your desk vs. right on the desk. My advice get rid of it altogether so you wont even be tempted.
Family Dinners: The best thing you can do to prevent overeating is to decide before hand that you will choose healthy items. Do not go on an empty stomach and be sure to drink water (not soda or juice) the entire time. Eat the greens and veggies FIRST before putting other more fattening items on the plate.
Office Parties with Hors d'oeuvres: Drink at least 2 glasses of water and eat a healthy meal before you go the party. With a hydrated system and a full stomach you will be less likely to chomp down on those calorie laden snacks.

Keep up with a Regular Exercise Routine: All of our routines change during the holidays, that goes without saying. But one routine that must remain a constant is your exercise program. Adventure Boot Camp has the perfect answer for you: 2 week Pre-Holiday Boot Camp blast! This boot camp is half the time commitment of the regular boot camp and in addition half the price! Why not feel good about yourself before and during the eating marathon that is the holidays and JOIN BOOT CAMP. And yes, you can drop one dress size in 2 weeks!
Special 2 week Boot Camps begin 11/5 & 12/3, join today!

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