Feb 3, 2008


If you are an avid reader of this blog you know that I would never say something like this. But when it comes down to it there are actually some tricks of the trade in order to reduce the size of your stomach in a short period of time.

Just remember, you cannot significantly reduce fat storage within 5 days but you can actually decrease the “bloatiness”
factor. If you have a date coming up or a event where you must fit into a certain item of clothing then I suggest that you apply some of these quick and safe tips.

1) CUT DOWN ON THE SALT. Seems obvious I know. But I am talking about the sodium content in pre-packaged food, not the stuff that you shake on top of it. Drastically decreasing salt intake over 5 days will make you look like you lost 5 lbs in the midsection.

When your body senses that it does not have enough hydration it holds onto any water that it has……hence bloating. By drinking enough water you will excrete any excess and it will keep you full longer (so you wont be looking to feast on garbage.)

3) CUT DOWN ON SUGAR INTAKE. Look, if you are eating a pre packaged food item you bet your bottom dollar that it has sugar in it. HFCS (high fructose corn syrup), fructose, sucrose, maltodextrin, dextrose, saccharose, etc. They have come up with plenty of different names for sugar and unfortunately they are all bad news. Foods with high amounts of sugar usually mean they also have a high glycemic index. In addition, sugar makes you retain water too!

4) ENGAGE IN 3-5 DAYS WORTH OF RIGOROUS EXERCISE. Please feel free to do more but numbers 1, 2, and 3 in combination with a well rounded exercise program with get you results fast. I am talking about a combination of cardiovascular exercise and strength training…till it hurts. You must leave your workout having worked up a serious sweat and elated that it is over. Much less then this usually does not equate to enough calories being burned.

5) EAT ONLY WHOLE FOODS. Whole foods contain the right amount of vitamins, fiber, carbs, and nutrients that processed foods do not possess. Basically if it has a label, you probably shouldn’t be eating it. Suck it up and make all of your meals without eating out for 5 days and I guarantee that you will see even greater results then a flat stomach.

Good luck on your 5 day journey. It takes work, planning, and determination. I can tell you that you WILL see such great results from this that you may even continue it past the 5 days, god willing.

By the way, if you are looking for 3 weeks worth of ab exercises to get started on right now then CLICK HERE.

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