Feb 29, 2008

PERSONAL TRAINER on your ipod!

When you get to the gym do you get bored of the same elliptical and treadmill machines?

Do you cut your workout short b/c you don't know what to do on the machines?
Are you intimidated by the people that kn0w what they are doing with those dumbbells?

Well, if you are like most women that I come in contact with in thy gym you too have answered 'yes' to one or more of these questions. By now you know that weight training should be an essential part of your workout routine. So where do you start?
I want you to take a look at the programs that I have built for women just like you who either a)don't have time to research and learn the proper exercises, b)don't have the time or money to pay a personal trainer to kick their butt, c)need some spice in an otherwise stale workout routine.

All you do is download the program of your choice to your computer then upload them to your iPod (or Blackberry/Treo/Zune etc). What you instantly get is your own personal trainer right there with you at the gym. Just blast the music and you are ready to get rock.
Check out some of the graphics that will be taking you through your workout at lightening and heart pounding pace:

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