Aug 26, 2008

Bounce Back From Diet Slip-Ups

So let me guess?! You’ve been committed to changing your lifestyle for months now by eating better and exercising regularly. Suddenly, an opportunity to forget your diet for a few hours appears. In a moment of weakness, you indulge in a pint of your favorite ice cream (it was on sale!) or an evening of pizza and beer with your friends (but I don’t get to see them very often!). Don’t beat yourself up! You can get past this! In this article, we’ll take a look at how to recover from diet slip-ups: forgive yourself, get back on track, and don’t overcompensate.

Forgive yourself

It’s inevitable that all of us are going to meet temptation along the road of reaching our fitness goals. If you give in, it doesn’t mean that the goal is lost forever! The first step in recovering from a diet slip-up is to simply forgive yourself. Acknowledge the fact that what you consumed isn’t going to help you reach your goals, and then write it off. It’s not worth the energy to feel guilty or upset, or in the worst case, purge what you’ve eaten. This is a dangerous road to walk down and can lead to permanent health problems. You ate it, it’s in the past, acknowledge and move on!

Get back on track

The most important part of recovering from a diet slip-up is getting back on track. Just because you’ve eaten a big dinner and dessert doesn’t mean that the diet’s over! Many of us use this event to excuse ourselves from continuing on our fitness paths. “Well, that’s it, it’s over, I’ll start again next month.” No! Get right back up on the horse the next day; follow your fitness routine just like the slip-up never happened. This is important no matter where you are on the path to better fitness. If it happens soon after you’ve started your fitness routine, it’s more tempting to quit because you haven’t invested too much time into it.

Never overcompensate

“I had a huge dinner last night, so to make up for it, I’m just going to skip lunch tomorrow.” No! Once again, you need to get back on the right track and continue as if the slip-up never happened. It’s tempting to think that the calories you’ve consumed can be “evened out” by consuming fewer calories the next day, but unfortunately our bodies don’t work like that. The calories that you consumed last night have already been absorbed, and you need a minimum amount of calories everyday so your body will work at its best, so skipping a meal the next day won’t do you any favors.

Still Slipping up?? Email me at and I will email you a FREE custom Food Journal so that you can take the 1st steps towards getting on track.

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