Jun 13, 2007



By now the campers are used to the 5:30 am start time. Today was no different when we went on a 3 mile hike through Central Park. These outdoor boot campers were anxious to get a "break" today, or what they thought was to be a break. Boy were they all shocked at what a great workout hiking turned out to be.

The route is based on the path that Stacy's 5 year old son Nikos lead us through one Saturday afternoon on the hunt for "bears." At a few key spots today we had the ladies stop for some step ups and wall sits and of course pushups.

It is nice to get a break from the normal class that is held at 97th and 5th. But trust me, that is never a "normal class" by any means. The workouts are designed so that we never repeat the same circuit or exercises in the same week . But still, the girls were excited to leave their dumbbells and exercise mats at home for a change.

It is such a great thing that we have the hills, valleys and greenery right in our backyard so to speak. Today's most overheard comment: "I cant believe how many people are actually here working out (or otherwise) at this hour of the morning." The park is PACKED at that time.

Today's 2nd most overheard comment: "I am starving all of the time now, is that bad?" THIS IS GREAT. THIS is your metabolism working, finally, in your favor! Because it is the 2nd week of camp and for most their 8th consecutive workout in a row, their bodies are starting to feel the difference, a reap the rewards. My campers bodies are now fat burning machines.

The body is designed to be a fat burning machine, but through years of restriction dieting, yo-yo eating, eating crap and the wrong times (actually there really is no right time to eat crap) you have sent powerful signals to the body that it wont be getting food for a while. The body listens to your signals and therefore conserves whatever left over energy it has (ie stored fat) and doesn't ignite the fire otherwise known as your metabolism!!!. Do you get it??? The less you eat the less you burn!

You must eat to loose weight. Eating the right things at the right time is the last piece of the puzzle my friends. This session's campers are seeing great results with our home delivered healthy food program. A weeks worth of meals delivered right to your door....for about 20 dollars a DAY! Check out the link on our site (top left corner http://www.nycadventurebootcamp.com/ .

Stacy and I have the meals delivered to our houses as well. Listen, if it is good for your instructors, it is going to be great for you!

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