Feb 29, 2008

PERSONAL TRAINER on your ipod!

When you get to the gym do you get bored of the same elliptical and treadmill machines?

Do you cut your workout short b/c you don't know what to do on the machines?
Are you intimidated by the people that kn0w what they are doing with those dumbbells?

Well, if you are like most women that I come in contact with in thy gym you too have answered 'yes' to one or more of these questions. By now you know that weight training should be an essential part of your workout routine. So where do you start?
I want you to take a look at the programs that I have built for women just like you who either a)don't have time to research and learn the proper exercises, b)don't have the time or money to pay a personal trainer to kick their butt, c)need some spice in an otherwise stale workout routine.

All you do is download the program of your choice to your computer then upload them to your iPod (or Blackberry/Treo/Zune etc). What you instantly get is your own personal trainer right there with you at the gym. Just blast the music and you are ready to get rock.
Check out some of the graphics that will be taking you through your workout at lightening and heart pounding pace:

Feb 26, 2008

Are you making these DIET BLUNDERS?

Many yo-yo dieters forget to start out with a plan before changing over to a healthy diet. Take the time to write out your Long Term Goal (lets say "lose 10 lbs in 5 weeks"). Then Break that into 5 short term goals (1 for each week.) Don't forget to accompany each one with 3 action steps that are specific enough to help you get there. REMEMBER: the phrase is not "Ready, SHOOT, Aim." You must know where you are going and how you are going to get there before you start.

"I had to grab some pizza on the way home b/c I had nothing in the house." After-thought meals while you are starving is the fastest way to pack on the Lbs. You must have lean meats, vegetables, fruit, whole wheat grains, etc. in stock at all times. Take the time on Sundays to go food shopping and follow that up with 20 extra minutes per day to pack a lunch. NOTHING GOOD FOR YOU ever comes out of that vending machine at work (except maybe water:)

Skipping breakfast is the one habit across the board that is related to weight gain and weight retention. "But if i eat breakfast I am STARVING by 10:30am." EXACTLY!! This is what we want, this is your metabolism working in overdrive in your favor. You must feed the fire in the morning and shock your body out of the metabolism lock-down mode it has been on since you went to bed. Not eating sends the signal that your body wont be getting fuel for a while. SO....it stops burning calories and holds on to the sugar and fat that it has stored up. EAT breakfast to loose weight, got it?
Changing your eating habits alone will never yield the results you are looking for (unless maybe you are 16.) The lean muscle mass you will gain from lifting weights is the key b/c you burn calories DURING the workout AND for the rest of the day (cardio and dieting alone will NEVER do that.) Not sure how to get started?

"I had Mexican food for diner and ice cream after, screw it, my diet is ruined. I might as well keep eating garbage." Don't let your brain talk you into using 1 bad meal choice as an excuse to bag the whole thing. You can absolutely make up for a calorie rich meal by making smarter choices the next day and hitting the gym with a vengeance. The truth is that in the long run, one bad meal does not make much of a difference.

Focusing on the short term (lbs lost each day) is a ticket to frustration, negative self talk and ultimately failure. "Diets" fail b/c we want immediate results from hocus-pocus quick fix solutions. You must change your behaviors and your environment in order to find an eating plan that is sustainable to last for a lifetime. Consistency and persistence is the ultimate key to success.

Feb 19, 2008

All in Good Time

So you're ready to start a healthy diet. The first time you bite into a protein bar instead of a cookie your taste buds may protest, but hang on! Give yourself time to adjust to your new healthy lifestyle and the new foods that you will discover. It won’t take long for your taste buds to adjust and for your waist to shrink.

Feb 9, 2008


5 Signs you Need New Sneakers

It is time to change your sneakers if:
1) The bottom of the heel (right or left side) is worn down. CONSEQUENCES: Over pronation or supination can lead to ankle or arch pain, easier to sprain your ankle.

2) The tread on the ball of the foot is worn down. CONSEQUENCES: Leads to midfoot or digit pain, less stable when in the “push off“ phase of walk/running.

3) The upright sides of the heel is weak or sinking down to the left or right. A strong support of the calcaneus (heal bone) is necessary for proper function of the rest of the foot. CONSEQUENCES: More susceptible to sprain the ankle, mid foot pain.

4) Any part of the sole of the sneaker is loose or has created a flap. CONSEQUENCES: The rest of the sneaker will break down faster, easier to trip or sprain your ankle.

5) After putting your hand on the inside lining you can feel (or see) the impression of your toes or heal. CONSEQUENCES: The sneaker is no longer giving back the support it was designed to give.

A great tip is that your sneakers should be changed LONG BEFORE the serious signs of wear are apparent. You will most likely need to buy new sneakers before the outside has begun to look grungy. No mater what type of activity you are doing in the gym you should have THE PROPER pair of sneakers for your feet. As an orthopedic physical therapist I am constantly suggesting the correct foot wear for my patients. In fact, many of the foot, knee and low back injuries that I treat are preventable with a good pair of sneakers.

Super Runners Shop and Jack Rabbit in the city are two stores that I recommend buying your next pair of sneakers. The staff is certified to watch you walk and even run on a treadmill to find the right pair of sneakers for your specific type of foot.

All sneakers are not created equal. Nike and Adidas make really hot looking sneakers with all of the bells, whistles, air bubbles and shox. However, these brands for the most part do not make a great performance sneaker.

Flat Feet: Over pronators (feet turn in when walk or run) Should buy--->> “motion control” sneakers. Common foot problem – midfoot pain.
High Arch: Increased supination (feet usually turn outward when walk or run

---> sneakers with “arch support.” Common foot problems - plantar fasciitis.
Tight Calves: Entire foot and heal whips to the side when walk or run --->> Should buy sneakers with built up heals. Common problems- shin splints, achilles tendonitis, leads to high arches, midfoot pain, and plantar fasciitis.


Want to quickly eliminate fattening calories from your diet? It's easy: simply don't add fat while cooking. Instead of oils, butter, or lard, try cooking with a light cooking spray. Instead of frying, try broiling. Also drain or blot excess oil from food before eating it.

Feb 3, 2008


If you are an avid reader of this blog you know that I would never say something like this. But when it comes down to it there are actually some tricks of the trade in order to reduce the size of your stomach in a short period of time.

Just remember, you cannot significantly reduce fat storage within 5 days but you can actually decrease the “bloatiness”
factor. If you have a date coming up or a event where you must fit into a certain item of clothing then I suggest that you apply some of these quick and safe tips.

1) CUT DOWN ON THE SALT. Seems obvious I know. But I am talking about the sodium content in pre-packaged food, not the stuff that you shake on top of it. Drastically decreasing salt intake over 5 days will make you look like you lost 5 lbs in the midsection.

When your body senses that it does not have enough hydration it holds onto any water that it has……hence bloating. By drinking enough water you will excrete any excess and it will keep you full longer (so you wont be looking to feast on garbage.)

3) CUT DOWN ON SUGAR INTAKE. Look, if you are eating a pre packaged food item you bet your bottom dollar that it has sugar in it. HFCS (high fructose corn syrup), fructose, sucrose, maltodextrin, dextrose, saccharose, etc. They have come up with plenty of different names for sugar and unfortunately they are all bad news. Foods with high amounts of sugar usually mean they also have a high glycemic index. In addition, sugar makes you retain water too!

4) ENGAGE IN 3-5 DAYS WORTH OF RIGOROUS EXERCISE. Please feel free to do more but numbers 1, 2, and 3 in combination with a well rounded exercise program with get you results fast. I am talking about a combination of cardiovascular exercise and strength training…till it hurts. You must leave your workout having worked up a serious sweat and elated that it is over. Much less then this usually does not equate to enough calories being burned.

5) EAT ONLY WHOLE FOODS. Whole foods contain the right amount of vitamins, fiber, carbs, and nutrients that processed foods do not possess. Basically if it has a label, you probably shouldn’t be eating it. Suck it up and make all of your meals without eating out for 5 days and I guarantee that you will see even greater results then a flat stomach.

Good luck on your 5 day journey. It takes work, planning, and determination. I can tell you that you WILL see such great results from this that you may even continue it past the 5 days, god willing.

By the way, if you are looking for 3 weeks worth of ab exercises to get started on right now then CLICK HERE.