Dec 9, 2007

Walking for Fitness: FACT or FICTION?

You know that exercise promotes better health. Your doctor tells you to get more exercise. The government puts out official exercise recommendations for you to follow. And I'm always ranting about the importance of regular exercise. So you go on a walk and then pat yourself on the back. Exercise accomplished-right?

This begs the question: Can you get fit by walking?A research team at the University of Alberta took this question on in a detailed study. They compared a group that took part in a walking program with a group that did a traditional fitness routine at moderate intensity. The results? The fitness level of the walkers was significantly lower than those who did traditional exercise at moderate intensity.

Here is what the lead researcher, Dr. Vicki Harber, had to say:"Generally, low-intensity activity such as walking alone is not likely to give anybody marked health benefits compared to programs that occasionally elevate the intensity."Harber went on to say that, "You've go to do MORE than light exercise and move towards the inclusion of regular moderate activity, and don't be shy to interject an occasional period of time at the vigorous level."

Hmmm, so walking for exercise WON'T give you the health benefits that more challenging exercise delivers. What does this mean for your walking routine? Is there any place in fitness for walking?

What walking can do for you...Don't get me wrong-there is a place for walking in fitness. If you are brand new to exercise then walking is the first activity that you'll need to master. Walking is a wonderful activity for you if your body is overweight, under conditioned and simply unaccustomed to moving much. Look at walking as a stepping stone to fitness. It transitions you from the couch to the gym. Walking is just a notch above not moving-you'll burn a few calories and warm up unused muscles.

The problem comes when your exercise routine begins and ends with walking. You see, like the study above pointed out, walking just won't deliver results. Your body is so efficient in its ability to adapt that you have to increase your exercise intensity in order to see results. Beyond walking...Once you have mastered brisk walking, you are ready for a new challenge, namely, resistance training. If you haven't tried resistance training then it may sound a little scary. Isn't resistance training just a fancy word for 'lifting weights'? And don't you have to be an athlete to lift weights?

I understand your reservations about beginning a resistance training program, however the facts are undeniable-in order to achieve substantial health and fitness results you must use resistance training. Besides, you will soon find resistance training to be quite enjoyable and not something exclusive to athletes.

What are the benefits of Resistance Training? Just to name a few...
· Increase in muscle strength and tone
· Increase in metabolism (this means extra fat burning)
· Increase in bone density
· Injury prev
· Improved
· Improved
health (lowered blood pressure and cholesterol; lowers your risk for adult-onset diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers)
· Improved mood and self esteem

Wow-that's an impressive list of benefits. Resistance training is simply the way to go when you want to get fit. Couple a resistance training program with a challenging cardiovascular routine and you will be well on your way to achieving all of your fitness goals. If you aren't seeing results with your current exercise program then it is time to give me a call.


It seems like everywhere you go these days you are hearing about the hottest new trend in women's weight loss - BOOT CAMP. Currently 3 of the women on the reality show "The Real Housewives of Orange County" are enrolled in Adventure Boot Camp in California. WATCH A CLIP HERE>>>> And yes, this is the SAME Adventure Boot Camp program that is available to the women of NYC.
Check out the show on Bravo to see these women workout and loose the lbs. OR you can come and experience it for yourself starting January 7th! (The only difference between their program and ours... we are indoors b/c unfortunately this isn't sunny California:)

Nov 25, 2007



Nov 18, 2007


Eat smart with these 7 pointers

If you are like most people then you probably glance at the Nutrition Facts label on foods once in a while. Maybe you check for the number of calories or fat grams that an item contains, or maybe you are watching something specific - like your sodium intake.

Whatever the case, it has been proven that those who pay attention to the Nutrition Facts label end up eating healthier.The more familiar you are with the Nutritional Facts label, the more likely you will be fit and healthy.Each Nutritional Facts label has been designed to quickly and efficiently give you all of the important facts about a food item. You just need to know what you are looking for. Read on as we break down the Nutritional Facts label into 7 important facts.

Fact #1: Serving Size This small detail skews the entire label if you don't read it closely. An item may seem like it is only one serving, but the Nutritional Facts label will consider it to be 2 or 3 servings. If the label says 100 calories, but there are actually 3 servings, then you are getting a total of 300 calories. Pay close attention to what makes a serving.

Fact #2: Calories Most people don't have the time to count every calorie that they put in their mouth - this is understandable. However, you probably have a pretty good idea about the amount of food that you eat each day. When you approach a new item, read the calorie totals on the Nutritional Facts label, and factor the new calories into your daily intake. Steer clear of high calorie items - especially in the form of snack foods.

Fact #3: Fat By now you have undoubtedly heard that all fats were not created equal. Here is a quick 1-2-3 breakdown.
Limit your intake of Saturated Fats - this deadly fat contributes to heart disease.
Avoid Trans Fats at all costs - not only does it contribute to heart disease, it also raises LDL cholesterol (the bad one).
Focus on eating monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats - these don't raise LDL cholesterol and can even help lower blood cholesterol.
As you decide what food to include in your diet, keep your eye on the type and amount of fat included in each item. Remember, all fats were not created equal.

Fact #4: Carbohydrate Though zero carb diets are losing their momentum, you may have been influenced by the idea that all carbohydrates will make you fat. That is simply not true. It is true, however that some carbohydrates are healthier than others. In fact, medical experts think that excess consumption of refined carbohydrates (such as soda pop, white rice, and white flour) are one of the reasons behind the rise of obesity we see today.Choose fibrous, complex carbohydrates over sugary, simple carbohydrates.

Fact #5: Protein The fact stands that most of us are getting plenty of protein in our diet. The problem arises when we examine the source of this protein. Meats and dairy products that are high full of fat may be filled with protein, but they aren't the healthiest form of protein. Choose protein from lean meats, dry beans, poultry, and low fat/fat free dairy products.

Fact #6: The Good Stuff Directly beneath the protein count on the Nutritional Facts label you will see the percent daily value of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium and Iron that the food item contains. These numbers are easily overlooked, but hold great importance to your overall health. The more nutrient-rich food items provide you with the greatest benefit per calorie. Compare food brands and choose the most nutrient-rich option.

Fact #7: Evaluate Your Lifestyle Now that you understand the Nutritional Facts label on your food, you may still have questions about how to change your fitness level. Eating right is just one part of the equation in your quest for a healthy, fit body. Exercise is vastly important as well, and happens to be my specialty. If you have questions about how you can get into the best shape of your life, please contact me today.

Call or email me today to get started on an exercise program that will greatly improve the way you look and feel.

Fast Food Tip

Thanksgiving is a time when we gather to give thanks and to pass the gravy. Here's a fun way to make that gravy a little less fattening: Place an ice cube in the gravy and watch as excess fat sticks to it. Now throw out the fat laden ice and enjoy your lightened gravy!

Oct 28, 2007



If you ever thought about joining the class and decided 4 weeks was too much of a commitment...then this is the program for you. If you ever wished there was a way to loose the weight before you gained it at Thanksgiving/Christmas/
Hanukkah time...then this is the program for you. If you cant find the motivation to go to the gym alone and stay for longer then 20 minutes...then this is the program for you.

Just like our world famous 4 week boot camp, this short 2 week session is jam packed with a new approach to exercise....FUN. In an all female atmosphere you will run obstacles, perform relays, play fun games, perform resistance exercises, do yoga/pilates and much more.

And YES, you can drop one dress size in 2 weeks! Jump start your fall weight loss routine today. MORE INFO>>>>>

Oct 26, 2007

How not to Gain the 10lbs Between Thanksgiving and X-Mass/Hanukkah

We all know about this time of year. First Comes Halloween then before you know it you are sucked into the time warp that is the FATTEST TIME OF THE YEAR (Thanksgiving to X-Mas/Hanukkah).

Holiday parties, family gatherings, food gifts like chocolate cookies and cakes all have a way of making us pack on those pounds. WHAT IS THE SOLUTION?
Goodies in the office: when you receive a gift in the form of food, say thank you and as soon as that person has turned their back GIVE IT AWAY. Out of site out of mind. A recent study showed that a person ate 60% less chocolates if the box was placed 7 feet away from your desk vs. right on the desk. My advice get rid of it altogether so you wont even be tempted.
Family Dinners: The best thing you can do to prevent overeating is to decide before hand that you will choose healthy items. Do not go on an empty stomach and be sure to drink water (not soda or juice) the entire time. Eat the greens and veggies FIRST before putting other more fattening items on the plate.
Office Parties with Hors d'oeuvres: Drink at least 2 glasses of water and eat a healthy meal before you go the party. With a hydrated system and a full stomach you will be less likely to chomp down on those calorie laden snacks.

Keep up with a Regular Exercise Routine: All of our routines change during the holidays, that goes without saying. But one routine that must remain a constant is your exercise program. Adventure Boot Camp has the perfect answer for you: 2 week Pre-Holiday Boot Camp blast! This boot camp is half the time commitment of the regular boot camp and in addition half the price! Why not feel good about yourself before and during the eating marathon that is the holidays and JOIN BOOT CAMP. And yes, you can drop one dress size in 2 weeks!
Special 2 week Boot Camps begin 11/5 & 12/3, join today!

Oct 14, 2007

HOW to GET FAT Eating Subway Sandwiches

You've probably heard of Jared Fogle - he's the guy that lost over 200 pounds by only eating at Subway. His amazing story captured the attention of people all around the world. Here it is in a nutshell:

It all started March of 1998 when Jared was a college student with a problem. His weight had skyrocketed to 425 pounds. Now that's a lot of weight for anyone to handle, let alone a busy college student. So Jared made the decision to change his life.

He knew the weight would come off with the help of a healthy, lowfat diet. Luckily for him there was a Subway restaurant located near his apartment. His plan was brilliant in its simplicity. Everyday he ate the same thing:

Breakfast - coffee
Lunch - "I ate the 6-inch turkey, tons of vegetables, including hot peppers and a bit of spicy mustard." He left off the mayonnaise and cheese and had a bag of Baked Lays® potato chips and a diet soft drink
Dinner - Footlong veggie sub - again no mayonnaise or cheese.

I'm sure you know the rest of the story. The Subway diet, along with exercise, got Jared to shed the extra weight until he was a lean 190 pounds (the guy is 6'2"), and he became a spokesperson for Subway, sharing his story and inspiring millions of people.

Subway then became synonymous with healthy eating.
Ever look at a Subway napkin? It lists 7 of their sandwiches that have 6 grams of fat or less. Then at the bottom it shows you an alternative. The Big Mac and the Whopper, burgers that hold 31 and 40 grams of fat, respectively.
Wow, Subway is much healthier, right? Well, yes and no. First read the small print. The 7 sandwiches with 6 grams of fat or less are calculated with only bread, veggies and meat. So if you take your sandwich with cheese, mayonnaise, and oil (and really, other than Jared, who doesn't?) then you need to recalculate the numbers. Here, I'll do it for you, using a 6" Roasted Chicken Breast sandwich as an example.

6" Sandwich (bread, veggies and meat): 6g fat, 342 calories

Cheddar Cheese (2 slices): 5, 60
1 Tbl Mayonnaise: 12, 110

1 Tbl Oil: 15, 135
Totals: 38g FAT 647 Calories

Lets not forget the tempting side items that are so often picked up in the Subway line:

Wild Rice with Chicken Soup: 11g fat, 210 calories
1oz Bag of SunChips: 6, 140
Chocolate Chip Cookie: 10, 210
Totals: 27g FAT 560 Calories

And just like that your 'healthy' Subway sandwich grew into a meal with fat and calorie totals that rival a Big Mac meal. Now I know you probably don't get all of the extras when you visit Subway but, quite frankly, that isn't the point. The point is that there is danger in classifying any restaurant as 'healthy'.

The truth is that you could gain weight eating anywhere, just like you could lose weight eating anywhere. It all comes down to maintaining a balanced diet with a reasonable calorie and fat intake.

Jared lost weight by drastically cutting calories and fat from his diet and by starting an exercise program. You too could do this at Subway or any other restaurant. But eating at Subway does not mean that you will walk out leaner and healthier. It all comes down to choices. Everyday you make choices that directly affect your weight and your health. Should you get mayonnaise on your sandwich? What harm will one cookie do? Will skipping your workout today really make a difference? You get to decide.

At some point we all reach a breaking point. For Jared it was hitting 425 pounds. For you it may be when you have to buy the next size up. Or when you find your body riddled with aches and pains. Or when you're shocked by the number on the scale. Sooner or later you will decide that you are worth it. You will decide that your health is important. You will decide that you deserve to look great. And you will do what it takes to achieve amazing results. I am are here to help you do just that.

Call or email me today to get started on an exercise program that will change your body and your life...just like Jared.

Oct 1, 2007


As women I think we have something in us that believes we should never give up on something. We are supposed to be the peacekeepers, the tone setters, we are to always "have it under control."

If a friend or co-worker is not that nice to us, we chalk it up to them having a bad day. If a relationship is not working out, we stay in it hoping that things will change for the better. If you are not loosing weight from your current program you persevere, and try to work a bit harder.

Why do we have such a hard time letting go of something that is obviously not working? All of the above mentioned situations share a common thread. The facts seem to be staring us in the face that the current situation is not the most optimal, but we stick with it anyway. So what do you do? ****At what point do we decide to GIVE IT UP or SWITCH IT UP??****

In these difficult situations, start by asking yourself what is the underlying reason that you put up with them: Is it out of a fear of rejection, an ego driven mind, fear of putting your needs first, or is it a fear of failure if trying something new?

Next ask yourself if you are receiving exactly what you want and need from this friend, lover or exercise routine? All relationships both with people and with your life situation are a two way street. I want you to take a deep look at these "relationships" before they start to go wrong. Are you really getting what YOU need?

Although I cannot answer your individual relationship issues, I can only guide you towards thinking about finding the underlying truth. This truth is usually not what you "THINK" but it is what you feel. This feeling is in your gut. It is the little voice that dictates what your heart (not your brain) knows. If you "FEEL" that things are not where you would like them to be then it is probably time to ****GIVE IT UP****. After some time, a bit of introspection and a deep breath you will be able to erase that persons number from your phone, delete the text messages and pictures that you have been saving and... move on.

The same process applies if you have been working out for a short while or an extended period of time and you are not seeing results. This time you must SWITCH IT UP ASAP (don't "give it up", please). The body is very simple machine. Put something in, get something out. If you are not loosing weight or seeing that muscle tone in your arms or abs then it is time to change a few variables so that you will see results. If you usually only do cardio in the gym, get outside and go for a run. If you only take spin class, add in some weight training. If you find it hard to get to the gym after work, switch to the am for guaranteed consistency.

Remember, any process of change in your life doesn't start with an action. Change starts with a well thought out examination of your underlying motivations and genuine gut feelings about the situation. Good luck, it takes a lot of work, but it will help you arrive at a the most appropriate decision.

Sep 16, 2007

10 Secrets Every Women Should Know

Millions of people drink an average of 2 regular soft drinks or juice drinks a day, which is a total of 300 calories. When you add up these extra 300 calories over a year, they result in over 30lbs of weight gain! Sooo, say no to soft drinks and say goodbye to your unwanted pounds.

Did you know that 1 lb of muscle burns 30-50 calories per day, while 1 lb of fat only burns about 9 calories per day? The more muscle your body contains the more calories you burn each day. Resistance training has been called the fountain of youth – and it really is!

Fat free foods, when eaten in excess, will still be stored as fat! Fat free cookies and crackers are made up of a whole lot of SUGAR! Yep, the secret is out. Sugar is just as fattening of a substance as fat itself, when eaten in excess.

A great way to burn off excess fat is to walk or jog for as little as 15-20 minutes first thing in the morning. Performing a calorie burning activity right when you wake up is more effective since your body is depleted of calories, and is forced to pull energy from fat stores. A personal fitness trainer (like me) can help you identify your ideal target heart rate for maximum fat burn.

The easiest way to effortlessly lose weight is to not eat three hours before bed. It has been proven that not eating three hours before bed reduces fat storage throughout the night.

Make sure that you are exercising in your “Fat Burn Zone“during cardiovascular workouts by checking to see if you can hold a conversation without breathlessness. Your body needs oxygen to aide in fat burn so make sure you are breathing deeply. If you can hold a conversation without choking on the words then you need to ramp it up a bit. Otherwise you are just going through the motions.

Eating right when you wake up is vital to breaking the fast(get it? BreakFast?) your body goes into every night. 2- 3 hours after you eat your body shuts down your metabolism and acts as if it needs to store food. In order to communicate with your body that it is healthy, well fed, and not in need of extra fat storage you need to start your day off with a small meal and continue to eat small meals every 2-3 hours.

Your body needs a variety of nutrients to function at its peak and burn fat. Find new, healthy alternatives to your daily meals, and substitute them frequently. Bringing food to work pre-made ensures that you will eat the healthiest and allows you to avoid last minute fast food choices. Make sure that you are eating 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day, of different colors.

Losing patience with exercise? The key to weight loss and fitness gains is to consistently give your body new challenges. Mix up your workouts every few weeks, and don't be afraid to try something new! Look into program’s that can help you add new excitement to your fitness routine. Rollerblade, hike in Central Park, ride your bike, jog to a playground and use the jungle gym or a rock as your gym equipment. Exercise doesn’t have to be a drag!

Consistency breads results. When you see results you become hooked. When you set a goal to go to the gym at night,although you may have the best intentions, things usually come up. Dinners, meetings, kids have practice, 1 day sale. Do you remember why your last quest to “loose weight” failed? I bet I can tell you…lack of consistency. Enter the AM workout! NOTHING, I mean nothing comes in the way of an AM workout, except for being a little sleepy. You finally want to make that change in your body you have been dreaming about? Then, become consistent by switching to the mornings. Your body will thank you. (PS - Adventure Boot Camp starts at 5:30 am!)

Sep 9, 2007

Central Park Boot Campers Flex Their Muscles

So, it is Friday at 6:30am. Temperature 80 and the sun is fully up by now. It takes real DEDICATION and real DEVOTION to drag yourself out of bed to go to work every day. Imagine what it is like to drag yourself to the park for a workout.

Well, if you have ever wondered then take a look at the faces of the 4 ladies in this picture. Red and sweaty you say. I know, that is a given though. I am asking you to look at how happy they are. Some of that glee is the fact that it is Friday and the week is over, no doubt. I can assure you that the other half is the fact that they have each burned about 800 calories before most people have even thought about which pants to wear today (let alone which exercises to do to make those pants look better). They have each taken one step closer to their weight loss and fitness goals.

These women are part of this months weight loss and fitness boot camp in Central Park. On this particular day the women have played ultimate frisbee, ran 1/2 a mile, performed yoga, used their dumbbells to tone and tighten their arms, and ran an obstacle course.

We design each day to be completely different from the last so that no one is ever board and no one knows what we will throw at them next. I know that most women share the common feeling that "pumping iron" in the gym is not only boring but fails to stimulate any desire to repeat the workout the next day. What is the point to that I ask you? We alleviate all of this by putting a unique spin on exercise....we make it FUN (a brand new concept in exercise ladies, I know:)

Sep 7, 2007

RELATIONSHIPS: How they effect your BODY and MIND

By now you know the rules of getting and staying in shape....Eat Right, Exercise, and Stay Positive. So why is it so hard keep that up while you are in a relationship? I am not talking about the "staying positive" part, but the rest. Why do relationships both romantic and platonic wreak so much havoc when it comes to our body?

You know the scenario. You are focused on your workouts, never skipping a day. You are bringing your healthy lunch to work without fail. Each night you get 8+ hours of sleep and drink alcohol only moderately. Then....BAM! Out of nowhere you meet someone. All of a sudden your world is turned up side down. You are gladly drinking during the weeknights, skipping morning workouts, eating buffalo wings and drinking Bloody Marys on Sunday morning.

What happens is that affairs of the heart can mess with our focus. In the beginning you don't mind skipping your health and wellness routine because in exchange you get to spend hours staring into the eyes of your new crush. But in the end the devotion of all of your free time to this person leads to neglect. I am talking about the neglect of your own personal needs both physical and most often emotional.

The lesson to be learned is two fold. No matter how great the other person makes you feel, no matter how far into the clouds your head may be, realize that in the beginning and in the end you always must be aware of the proverbial me, myself, and I. We tend to only try to "pull ourselves together" in the end when things start to go wrong.

Side note: Realize too that sometimes you can do all that you can to maintain your focus while in a relationship. But, despite your best efforts, things don't work out. You break up, your heart gets ripped out of your chest. A break up can be the quickest way to loose 5 lbs. (Yet, a most unhealthy method, emotionally draining, and therefore not endorsed by me OK? OK.)

Ladies, the summation of all of this is that we need to keep in mind that all we have is ourselves to make us happy. Momentary crushes, loves, best friends, new cloths, food etc. all have the potential to fill us up. Enjoy them, indulge them, experience them in the present with all of your consciousness. But please, just don't loose sight of one important fact. REAL, LASTING, emotional and internal happiness can be generated by only one thing in this world....YOU.

Aug 2, 2007


Denise is a first time camper to Adventure Boot Camp. In a previous session during the beginning of the summer Stacy and I would see Denise walk past the camp EVERY morning at 5:45am. She was heading into the park to do her workout for the day. Eventually Denise came up to us with a few questions, her curiosity finally got the best of her.

After chatting for a few minutes we invited her to join us out at our FREE Saturday Boot Camp Class held right here in the same location. Denise showed up a few days later to the free class and had the workout of her life! By 12 that afternoon she had already signed up for the next 4-week-long program.

Click on her picture below (or here) to watch the video testimonial that she gave us this morning!

On a personal note, I have to say that Denise really got what this camp is all about. Stacy and I basically hand all campers a fool proof plan to make lasting changes in their bodies as well as their lives. All that is necessary is the drive and the motivation to get up every morning and JUST DO IT. (Nike really has something there dont they:) Denise took advantage of all of our information and teachings and dropped 2 dress sizes in 4 weeks!

If you want the same results in 4 weeks, please come and check out the camp. But, you don't have to take our word for it.....Click here to hear it from her!

Jul 25, 2007


Since this is week 3 (out of 4) of camp, the exercises (and instructors) have gotten much more challenging. Don't get me wrong, camp has always been a challenge since the beginning but Stacy and I are demanding much more from you ladies.

We specifically design the classes so that ALL are challenged. It doesn't matter whether you are a regular fitness buff or someone new to exercise, everyone is pushed to their potential.

Week one is set up so that you are building a foundation that will take you through to week 4. You are building a base strength in the legs, arms and core that will allow you to perform the more difficult and complex exercises in week 3 and 4. There is much more to exercise then "working up a good sweat." Stacy and I have created a progression in each class so that by the end of camp you are able to do things you never would have thought your body could do.

If you are reading this blog and you have never experienced a boot camp class before, don't be scared. Women of all shapes and sizes are avid Adventure Boot Campers. Unlike most boot camp classes in gyms, there are no men allowed. We keep it simple so that everyone can work in a noncompetitive environment and just have fun. Isn't that what exercise is supposed to be anyway?

So this leads me to next Saturday, August 4th (and then every other weekend). Come down to Central Park at 9am and take part in our FREE SATURDAY BOOT CAMP class. You wont be alone. Last week we had 23 women and the weekend before that 35 of NYC's most adventurous ladies showed up. Check out for all of the details. See you there!

Jul 3, 2007



This past Saturday on June 30th we conducted our regular Bi Monthly free boot camp class in Central Park. We do this as a little kick back to the community b/c we are sick and tired of all of the boring gym routines out there!

We are the "ultimate out of gym experience!" Some women come b/c they have seen our ad in the newspaper. Some women are dragged by their friends that have become regulars. However the ladies get here, they are here to stay.

Joyce (a regular Saturday participant) commented to me last weekend that she loves working out outside so much that she has quit her gym membership all together! Nice Joyce. Although this might not be the answer for everyone, many women who join our camps have a hard time dragging themselves back into the dark and smelly 4 walls of the gym.

If you haven't already, get down to 97th and 5th on Saturdays at 9am in the summer. You wont be let down. Check out the exact dates and times at You can do it!



As we all know, Wednesday is "Hike Day" in Adventure Boot Camp. Listen, we don't call it "Adventure" Boot Camp for nothing right?!

Out of 19 women in the Camp, only 8 showed up today. I have a feeling it is b/c last weeks hike was a serious one and it left most campers (including myself) sore! Or perhaps b/c it felt like 100 degrees out. Whatever.

The waterfall that we camp upon was a wonderful sight to behold in the middle of the park. It can be found in the north most section of the park equivalent to about 105th street. The women reluctantly stopped and let me take the picture above(keep in mind it is only about 5:45 am at this point). I think it was worth it!

Jun 20, 2007


Jackie Storm, our staff licenced Dietitian and Clinical Nutritionist gave her monthly lecture to this session's Adventure Boot Campers Monday. What a success! Each camp session we start off with a thorough lecture on the how, what, where, and whys of eating for weight loss and fitness success. Even the most educated campers walk away with tons of useful and practical information in Jackie's lectures.

Jackie skillfully dispels some common myths and taboos when it comes to healthy eating and weight loss. Since proper eating accounts for more than 80% of the results you will see from working out, this lecture is invaluable to our women. More information about Jackie Storm and what she has to offer can be found at

Jun 13, 2007



PurFoods Fitness
This NYC Boot Camp is a weight loss and fitness program. Stacy and I (Laura) have found out over 18 years of combined experience in the healthy and fitness field that FOOD is responsible for 80% of the results you get from working out. Those are staggering numbers right? Right!

We are proud to announce that we now offer a healthy meal delivery service here in NYC. Before I decided to sign on with this company and reccommend their meals to my campers, I had to try it out for myself. And guess what?? Staying up late on Sunday night cooking vats of rice and beans, grilling 3 packages of chicken, and steaming baskets of veggies is a thing of the past.

These meals come right to my door pre packaged and ready for me to take to work or to the gym or wherever! Stacy and I are so excited to finally offer this to our campers (and to our friends and relatives and non-campers as well!)

See for yourself how CHEAP this service is and how it can change your body and your life...immediately! Go to and click the link at the top of the page under "Additional Programs."

Think of how much money you spend a week on groceries? 100$ or more? If you don't food shop, like most of the people I know, think about how much you spend a week on eating out or in. You can spend 10 dollars alone on those "healthy" salad bars in delis. This healthy meal delivery service starts as little as 20$ A DAY (that's 100 a week!)

The best part is, there is no shopping, preparing, cooking, and cleaning to do! It is all done for you!

Are we crazy? Maybe. Either way you cannot pass this up. Check it out, go to and click the box belowfor all details or to get started today! Organic and Diabetic options are available!
PurFoods Fitness



By now the campers are used to the 5:30 am start time. Today was no different when we went on a 3 mile hike through Central Park. These outdoor boot campers were anxious to get a "break" today, or what they thought was to be a break. Boy were they all shocked at what a great workout hiking turned out to be.

The route is based on the path that Stacy's 5 year old son Nikos lead us through one Saturday afternoon on the hunt for "bears." At a few key spots today we had the ladies stop for some step ups and wall sits and of course pushups.

It is nice to get a break from the normal class that is held at 97th and 5th. But trust me, that is never a "normal class" by any means. The workouts are designed so that we never repeat the same circuit or exercises in the same week . But still, the girls were excited to leave their dumbbells and exercise mats at home for a change.

It is such a great thing that we have the hills, valleys and greenery right in our backyard so to speak. Today's most overheard comment: "I cant believe how many people are actually here working out (or otherwise) at this hour of the morning." The park is PACKED at that time.

Today's 2nd most overheard comment: "I am starving all of the time now, is that bad?" THIS IS GREAT. THIS is your metabolism working, finally, in your favor! Because it is the 2nd week of camp and for most their 8th consecutive workout in a row, their bodies are starting to feel the difference, a reap the rewards. My campers bodies are now fat burning machines.

The body is designed to be a fat burning machine, but through years of restriction dieting, yo-yo eating, eating crap and the wrong times (actually there really is no right time to eat crap) you have sent powerful signals to the body that it wont be getting food for a while. The body listens to your signals and therefore conserves whatever left over energy it has (ie stored fat) and doesn't ignite the fire otherwise known as your metabolism!!!. Do you get it??? The less you eat the less you burn!

You must eat to loose weight. Eating the right things at the right time is the last piece of the puzzle my friends. This session's campers are seeing great results with our home delivered healthy food program. A weeks worth of meals delivered right to your door....for about 20 dollars a DAY! Check out the link on our site (top left corner .

Stacy and I have the meals delivered to our houses as well. Listen, if it is good for your instructors, it is going to be great for you!

Jun 12, 2007

NYC Adventure Boot Camp Kicks off Summer!

NYC Adventure Boot Camp for Women
Despite the rainy first day and location change, the 20 ladies are enjoying camp thus far. Week one is finally over and the first HIKE DAY in Central Park is tomorrow! The ladies have really been enjoying themselves, from what I can see when class is over at 6:30 AM. I think our most over heard comment after 8 days of class is "I am so happy to go home after work each day and not have to think about going to the gym."

I will share a quote with you from Sandy a current Camper:
"I realized that I actually like early mornings (not so much at bedtime the night before), it makes me feel good all day long. I like not having to dread the boring gym ALL day long, I can go home and do whatever I wish, almost guilt free :)"

NYC Adventure Boot Camp is an 4 week outdoor weight loss program for the busy woman. Most of our campers this session are 5-day a weekers, with only 4 3-day-a-week people. Stacy and I (Laura) like to call it "the ultimate out of gym experience."

Why would you want to drag yourself into the gym when you can hit the park in a team environment. If you are looking for a JUMP START to your fitness or workout routine go to our site at w today!